Sunday, November 4, 2012

Perfect Breakfast and other art

My AEDM and Sunday Sketch art for today
was inspired by my first meal of the day.
 I am not that strong of a breakfast eater but I try.
I like to keep it light but know I
should go heavier on the protein. 
relying alot on Instagram now that I am without a scanner for a few days

Unfortunately, I am a big fan of carbs so they typically
win out due to their ability to easily convert to sugar,
my drug of choice.
Adding more sugar (jam), plus fat (butter),
further enhances the experience.*sigh*

I've been here at my mom and dad's for seven days now,
as of tonight our house is still out of power.
Its obvious we've all got some cabin fever, boy!
You can tell by my page below:))
LOL! have to have a laugh!

Playing and journaling with stamps I made yesterday

 Oh boy, but am I ever grateful for the ability to have a place to go.  My parents are the best, for they have to put up with the bunch of us!!

trying out different patterns

The gas shortage doesn't help because we are
afraid of using the gas in our cars unwisely.
But we did manage to get out today,
my mom had gotten tickets a while back for a
performance at Stony Brook University
so we took the kids there. It was great being out.
When we left the show it was so dark
at 5:30 :(( And driving on the roads
we could still see some sections of homes were still out of power.
 A week is a long time to have no heat and electricity.

more pattern types to try, having fun with this!

These books are so helpful and informative!

 My additional photos shows the great time
I have been having carving new lino stamps and
arranging them into different patters. I love
the effects I am getting and now working
 on making up some cards.

this book is AMAZING and definatly going on my Christmas list!
Hope everyone has a terrific week , I am
back to work completely full time tomorrow. 
One more step towards normalcy! Yay!
Take care 
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Unknown said...

Thanks Alexandra, so kind of you to do that for me:))
I love your blog and appreciate all you do to make the sunday sketch possible for all of us!

Unknown said...

Love your artwork. Hope you get power back soon and go home...mind you, your creating some great stuff. :)

Lorinda.C.F said...

Another brilliant and amusing sketch. I love these little peeks into your life! Your stamps are great--think that will be tonight's project. Glad you're all managing to get along--thank goodness for family. Take good care. xx

Tracey FK said...

We eat the same jam... well not apricot, but I do love that brand... and the fog one is is the blueberry... and I remember muffins... now we are a gluten free house because of Phantom being a celiac we have rice bread... not the same even though it is quite nice... I am craving bloody muffins now... nice one...xx said...

LOOK AT THESE... great patterns!!
Your post is so packed with "inspiration"... I LOVE IT! :]