Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer Break

Its been too long! I've been busy with our house move and all things summer! Thanks to Instagram I'm still staying connected virtually. My artwork has slowed down to a halt. Started the ICAD with a lot of gung-ho but my gung up and went.
I added some more in mid-July but that too went to the wayside.
I guess I'm doing what I need to do and that is my 9to5 job.
ICADs from early July:


This weekend looks ripe for some artwork though. The move is over, the tag sale is done, things are in their place for the most part...
 The rest of the summer is just my day job and a week vacation thrown in, towards the end of August.
I am feeling the itch to make art again.
Woohoo! How is your summer going?
Hope all is well!
Fran T