Wednesday, June 13, 2012

ICAD #13 - Namaste

My late night ICAD is here:) Tired tonight, not much to say.
Not that I usually have anything profound to say anyway, LOL
Tomorrow is Thursday - yay!
Good night all!
Kindly Bookmark and Share it:


Lorinda.C.F said...

I said it already on Flickr but I'll say it again here...I love this!! Knew it was yours the moment I saw it! xx

Rita said...

Lovely! Both your design and the quote. :):) said...

You out did yourself again, Fran!!
This is "beautiful" work.
The colors and design, perfect in every way.
Keep it coming... make art! ((hugs)) :]

VivJM said...

I love Rumi and this card is great!

JoyAnn said...

Stopping by from ICAD2 - great cards!

Karen Isaacson said...

absolutely gorgeous

sweet limes said...

I'm totally in awe here Fran! That is one amazing card!

pauline said...

Fran, i've had SUCH a wonderful "catching up" time here reading all the posts i've missed! All of this is so fabulous and your talent really amazes me. i can't believe how versatile you are with the doodling and lettering and painting and writing...Just gorgeous work. i LOVE what you did for Illustration Friday...and your comment about being inspired by me touched my heart. i just love what you're doing here... xoxo

Andria said...

Fabulous card, fabulous quotation!

Natasha said...

Wow! I love this, it is beautiful.

Serena Lewis said...

Beautiful design!!! I LOVE the colours....turquoise blues with green is my favourite colour combo.

Dianne said...

beautiful meditative card!

Dianne said...

This is so wonderful and peaceful....I'm a night owl art girl, too...sometimes too late to think but still need to create something. lol ;-)

Karyna @ PaperSquid said...

I love the colors and just this whole piece in general! So layered and true this quote, it's about the heart, not the head.

